30 September 2009


Hello everyone!

My name is Lauren but most people on the Internet know me as Coexistlove (hence the username for this blog).

I am a craft junkie who loves dabbling in anything and everything from knitting to silkscreen. When I am not crafting I can be found watching my Battlestar Galactica DVDs or on Ravelry looking up new patterns. I am currently role playing Admiral Cain in a Battlestar Galactica Fleet Power Battle, where my team and I knit thing to compete against another team and to earn points.

I am currently in college, however I often do go back home occasionally since I tend to base my Etsy from my home state. I hope to post updates about Etsy here as well as generally posting all my other crafting ventures here and would love it if you would comment so that I know what people like.

I will be taking photos of my current projects and some crafty related mail tomorrow so I hope to start displaying some of my wonderfully crafty world for you all.